Website On-Page SEO for Salons: How to Optimize

Welcome back, beauty business owners! In this second article of our three-part series on salon SEO for beginners, we’ll focus on eight ways to set up your salon’s website SEO successfully. If you missed it, check out Part 1 of Glammatic’s guide to SEO! As you learned in our first article, SEO (Search Engine Optimization)…


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A screenshot of the top SEO ranking salons in North Andover, MA with reviews, websites, and maps.

SEO for Salons Part 2

Welcome back, beauty business owners! In this second article of our three-part series on salon SEO for beginners, we’ll focus on eight ways to set up your salon’s website SEO successfully. If you missed it, check out Part 1 of Glammatic’s guide to SEO!

As you learned in our first article, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a powerful tool that can greatly increase your online visibility and organic traffic to your salon website. Your online presence is a crucial asset for reaching new audiences and attracting customers, and SEO is the best way to ensure as many people as possible find your business.

Let’s dive right into the practical steps you can take to set up SEO on your website. You’ll soon see results in your salon business’s website traffic as you implement these techniques.

Check Your Salon’s Website SEO Ranking On Google

a screenshot of three things that impact your Salon's Website SEO - reviews, website, and google map activation.

The first step is to check whether your website shows on the first page (ideally the first five results) in local search engines. It’s pretty easy to do this:

  1. Open a Google web browser in private mode
  2. Type in “Salons in Boston, MA.” – you can add your own town and state for accurate results.
  3. Review the search results.

If your salon website doesn’t show up in the top 5 results or on the first page, you have work to do! This means anyone searching in your area for a hair appointment doesn’t know you exist and will book with your competition that has ranked on Google SERP (search engine results page).

FREE Salon SEO Audit

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Enter the URL of your website to get a report of how it performs in about 30 seconds.

Check Your Salon Ranking On Google Maps (& Apple Maps)

The next step is to check if your website appears on Google Maps. This is particularly important if someone is searching on their phone. 

  1. Open Google Maps
  2. Type in “Salons in Boston, MA.” – you can add your own town and state for accurate results.
  3. Review the search results.

If your salon doesn’t have a website, you won’t rank in the top 5-10 spots. You won’t rank if you don’t have a Google Business Profile with reviews. So, guess what? You have to get this sorted out as soon as possible. 

Let’s talk about how to fix these issues. 

Claim Your Salon’s Google Business Profile

Step one to optimize your salon for search engines is to claim your Google Business Profile – GBP (formally known as Google My Business).

Setting up your GBP is like unlocking a secret lead generation funnel in the online world. If your GBP is optimized for discovery, you’re sitting pretty on page one, basking in the spotlight. That’s SEO gold right there.

Get a Salon Website if You Don’t Have One

What are you waiting for if you don’t have a salon website? It’s critical that you set one up as soon as possible, especially if you are a commission-based salon where stylists rely on you to bring in a constant stream of clients. 

With Glammatic, it is so easy to get a website in as little as a week; plus, we do all the maintenance and SEO for you to make sure you reach page one and stay there. To learn more about our service, book a free consultation today.

Keyword Research for Your Salon’s Website SEO

Since so much of SEO depends on keywords expertly placed on your salon website, you need to understand the keywords your target audience uses. Uncovering keywords can be a technical process, but it can also be as simple as thinking of search terms for beauty-related information. Here are a few practical strategies:


This is always a good first step. Imagine you’re on a Google quest for the perfect blowout. What clues would you leave in the search bar? “Hair salon near me” or “Boston’s best balayage” maybe? Jot down all the terms you’d use – services, products, even your location. These are your golden keywords!

SEO Research Tools:

Beyond brainstorming, there are many keyword research tools available online. Think of keyword research tools as your tech-savvy sidekicks. They’ll sniff out popular searches like “dry shampoo tips” or “hair color correction.” Check out free options like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest, , Answer The Public, or for deeper insights (think search volume and competition levels), invest in a premium tool like SEMrush.

FREE Salon SEO Audit

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Enter the URL of your website to get a report of how it performs in about 30 seconds.

Long-Tail Keywords:

It’s also good to be aware of long-tail keywords, which are more specific search terms. It’s good to find a balance between broad keywords like “skincare” and longer phrases like “best organic face moisturizer for sensitive skin.” Depending on these keywords’ search volumes and competition levels, you may find that one is more effective for you.

Target Salon Keywords:

When we refer to a “target keyword,” we’re talking about a web page’s most important (cornerstone) keyword. Every webpage needs a superhero keyword, the most important term ruling its content. Think of it as the headline in a magazine about a specific trend (“Best Shampoo for Color-Treated Hair”). Choose keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Tip: Create and maintain a comprehensive list of target keywords relevant to your business. Reference this list any time you’re adding content to your website. If you use a research tool and have access to this information, prioritize keywords that have a high search volume and low competition rates. This gives you the best odds of ranking highly for a given search term.

Salon Website On-Page Optimization

Once you identify your hair salon’s keywords, it’s time to optimize your website’s on-page elements. As you become more comfortable with SEO, optimizing your salon website will be a breeze!  The following are the most important areas to consider:

Salon Webpage Title Tags 

Imagine you’re strolling down bustling Newbury Street in Boston, searching for the perfect hair salon. Wouldn’t a sign that says, “Boston’s Best Balayage” grab your attention more than just “Hair Salon”?

Your website titles are like storefront signs for online shoppers. Ditch the generic; embrace the specific! Add location and specialties – let potential clients know exactly what you offer.

Meta Descriptions: First Impressions on Google

Meta descriptions are short sentences below the title on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). They are often your best chance to give a good first impression to potential customers on Google. 

A compelling meta description will encourage users to click on your website. It should include your target keyword and  give your audience a clear understanding of what the page is about. 

Make it catchy, informative, and click-worthy! Include the town and state you are in and what makes you stand out. The meta description serves as the hook for your webpage.

Tip: Write new meta descriptions for each page of your website. Each description should include your target keyword and a brief description of the content. This will encourage clicks from search engine users.

FREE Salon SEO Audit

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Enter the URL of your website to get a report of how it performs in about 30 seconds.

Website URL Structure: Beauty Salon SEO

URLs might look like gibberish, but they’re how search engines understand your website layout. Clear, keyword-rich URLs help search engines (and lost clients) find the perfect page.  

You’ll want the URLs to be logical and include relevant keywords. For example, “” 

Tip: Go through your website’s URLs and update them as needed. Do your best to add relevant keywords and organize the pages for the best possible SEO.

Headings & Content: Organizing for SEO & Readers

Increasing your salon’s SEO requires structure and organization. Your website content is like a beautifully styled story. Headings (H1, H2, H3) are like chapter titles, breaking it up and guiding readers.

Sprinkle relevant keywords in your headers and content, but remember, less is more! Keyword overload can confuse both search engines and clients. Focus on accuracy, value, and engaging writing.

Your content should be concise and consistent in tone. Cut the fluff and say what you want to say. Also, take some time to develop your salon’s unique writing voice! Cohesive writing will help build trust and set expectations for your client experience. 

Tip: Review your website’s content and optimize it by using relevant keywords in headings, subheadings, and body paragraphs. Make sure all your content is tidy and provides value to your audience.

You don’t need to take on the SEO for your salon alone. Our salon software is SEO focused to help your website rank high. Learn more here.

Technical Optimization

In addition to on-page elements, technical aspects of your website also have a major impact on SEO. Here are some technical optimization steps to consider:

Salon’s Website SEO Page Speed 

It should come as no surprise that slow-loading webpages harm the user experience. Imagine making your client wait forever for their hair appointment – no fun, right? The same goes for your website. Slow loading is a major buzzkill for visitors and search engines alike. To fix this, trim unnecessary code and shrink those image files like magic tricks. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix are your speed-testing allies. Focus on your most popular pages first, and watch your SEO soar!

Website Design Mobile-Friendliness

The majority of internet users access websites via their phones. That means a mobile-friendly website is an absolute requirement. Imagine someone’s phone screen lights up with your salon’s gorgeous homepage. But then, text jumbles and images crawl at a snail’s pace. Disaster! Your website must work seamlessly on smartphones, tablets, and even grandma’s laptop. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check and choose a mobile-savvy website builder.

Salon’s Website SEO Site Structure

Think of your website as a beautifully organized salon. Each page has its place, making it easy for clients (and search engines) to find what they need. Create a clear hierarchy, like a menu guiding you to perfect hairstyles. Use internal links to connect related services, and add breadcrumbs to show your path. This organization magic will improve your SEO and make everyone happy and informed.

Tip: You’ll have to manually audit the internal map of your website and ensure it follows a logical hierarchy. Create a clear navigation menu, use internal linking to connect related pages, and implement breadcrumb navigation to provide context to users and search engines.

Quality Backlinking: Building Salon Buzz

Imagine your salon buzzing with clients, all thanks to the secret weapon: backlinks. Simply put, Backlinks are links from other websites that point back to yours. They are extremely important in determining your ranking on search engines because they add legitimacy to your site. These digital gold stars from other websites tell search engines you’re the real deal, pushing your ranking higher than a perfectly manicured brow. So, how do you snag these coveted links?

Here are a few strategies to build quality backlinks:

Guest Blogging

Since you’re an expert in your industry, you can contribute guest posts to reputable beauty or lifestyle blogs. Your author bio should include a link to your website, and you may even be able to link back to your website within the content itself. The more helpful and informative content you can publish on your own website, the easier it will become to access these opportunities.

Tip: Research and reach out to relevant blogs or beauty industry publications to inquire about guest blogging opportunities. In addition to maintaining these professional relationships, make sure you’re crafting valuable content as well. Your blog posts should include links to your website to establish credibility and drive referral traffic.

Collaborate with Influencers 

Influencers and prominent beauty professionals often have significant followings. A partnership with them can generate a significant increase in your brand’s visibility. An influencer aligned with your brand can create collaborative posts, share sponsored content, conduct giveaways, and more.

Tip: Look for influencers in the beauty industry who share your target audience. You can contact them to discuss collaborations or sponsorships, but make sure that their content aligns with your values and aesthetics.

Social Media Engagement

There’s a vibrant world of beauty-related social media accounts and communities, and it’s to your benefit to engage with them. Leave thoughtful comments, share expert tips, and build genuine connections. Be the salon that brings the sunshine; before you know it, others will naturally link back to your radiant website.

Tip: Dedicate time each day to engage with beauty-related social media accounts. Leave thoughtful comments, offer support, and build authentic connections. This can lead to opportunities for cross-promotion and natural backlinks.


Cheers to Success! You’ve taken the first steps on your SEO adventure! Some quick wins, like updating your website text, are a breeze. Others, like building backlinks, take time and patience. But hey, small changes add up – watch your website blossom into a search engine superstar!

Remember: SEO needs continuous love. Track your progress, adapt your strategies, and stay ahead of the game. And if things get hairy, Glammatic is here to help! Our user-friendly, SEO-ready templates are designed specifically for beauty businesses, making your online glow-up effortless.

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