The Salon SEO Guide to Filling Your Calendar (Part 1)

Welcome, beauty business owners, to the world of SEO (search engine optimization)! Glammatic is thrilled to bring you this three-part series, where we’ll **deconstruct the essentials of salon SEO—**a game-changer for your salon’s growth. Firstly, this article dives into why SEO matters for your salon, how Google search operates, and how social media channels can…


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An image of an SEO brainstorm with SEO activities and a person 's hand holding a pen.

SEO Activities

Welcome, beauty business owners, to the world of SEO (search engine optimization)! Glammatic is thrilled to bring you this three-part series, where we’ll **deconstruct the essentials of salon SEO—**a game-changer for your salon’s growth.

Firstly, this article dives into why SEO matters for your salon, how Google search operates, and how social media channels can boost your online presence. Whether you manage a salon or sell beauty products, search engine optimization empowers you to attract more clients and fill your bookings online.

Later in the series, we’ll unveil the magic of setting up SEO for your salon website and leveraging social media to amplify your SEO efforts. But let’s start with the foundation. Read on for our expert insights into salon SEO basics and its transformative power for your beauty business.

What is Salon SEO?

SEO, otherwise known as search engine optimization, is a term used to describe setting up your online presence in a specific way so that Google and other search engines can find you quickly and share your content with people searching on the internet. It’s an essential part of your overall online marketing strategy.

Why SEO Matters for Your Beauty Business

If this is your first time exploring SEO for your salon, you may wonder why it’s so important. The short answer is that SEO helps you expand your audience, client base, and revenue. 

When potential customers search Google for beauty-related products, services, and advice, we want your website to appear as high as possible on the search results list. Studies show that people rarely venture beyond the first page of results, so getting and staying on that page is the goal.

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Understanding and implementing effective salon SEO is the only way to reach the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). If you need more specific evidence as to why it’s important to get on the front page of the SERP, consider the benefits. By optimizing your salon website for SEO, you can:

Increase Organic Salon Traffic

SEO helps you attract organic traffic to your website. The higher your website ranks on the SERP, the more likely people are to click on your link, visit your site, and ultimately become clients.

Boosting your salon’s visibility through SEO for hair salons means more potential customers finding you without paid ads. By optimizing your website with local SEO tactics, you tailor your digital presence to appear when local clients are searching for the beauty services you offer.  

This drives quality traffic directly from search queries specific to the beauty industry. Remember, the higher your site ranks, the more clicks you get, leading to increased bookings. It’s all about enhancing the user experience so that your salon stands out as the go-to place in your area.

Let’s get your salon buzzing with new clients organically!

Build Trust and Credibility

People are naturally drawn to the highest-ranking links on the SERP but can be wary of advertisements and sponsored listings. You signal value and trustworthiness to your potential customers by ranking highly through organic salon SEO.

When your beauty salon appears at the top of search results, it doesn’t just increase visibility; it also builds trust with potential clients. High rankings in Google signal to customers that your salon is credible and authoritative in the beauty industry. This is crucial, as trust is a major deciding factor for customers choosing where to get their beauty needs met.

Utilize SEO tactics to showcase your expertise and the high quality of services you offer, enhancing your salon’s reputation. With consistent effort in digital marketing, your salon can become synonymous with trust and quality in your local community.

Boost Salon Brand Awareness 

Appearing on the SERP is like having a free online banner. The better your salon’s SEO, the more your website will appear in Google searches. Even if they don’t click on your link, people will see your business among their results, increasing brand recognition and awareness.

Effective SEO for hair salons does more than just draw in traffic—it significantly boosts your brand’s presence in the digital world. Being visible in search engine results helps familiarize potential clients with your brand every time they enter relevant local search queries.

This constant visibility acts like a virtual billboard, reinforcing your salon’s name and the services you offer whenever potential clients are searching online. Even better, a strong local SEO strategy ensures that your salon stays in the minds of your local community, enhancing overall brand recall.

Let’s make sure your salon becomes a well-known name in the beauty industry!

Understanding How Google Search Works

Google’s search engine is designed to provide users with the most relevant and useful results. This requires a complex and mysterious series of algorithms. The details are often murky (especially since Google doesn’t like revealing the secrets of its algorithm), but here are some important aspects to keep in mind:

Results of a keyword search for hair salon's in Boston

Local Keywords 

Keywords are the words or phrases people use to search for information online. It’s important to research and understand the keywords your target audience will likely use when searching for local businesses with beauty services or products. For example, if you have a hair salon in New York, relevant keywords might include “hair salon NYC,” “haircut in New York,” or “best salon near me.”

Tip: Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to find relevant keywords for your beauty business. Work these keywords into your titles, meta descriptions, and other website content like blog posts.

Quality Content 

Creating valuable and engaging content is vital for SEO. Your website should provide helpful information, tips, and advice about beauty topics your target audience is interested in. This helps you rank higher in search results and positions you as an authority in your industry. 

Tip: Create a blog on your beauty business website (like we did for The Meridian Spa featured above) and regularly publish informative articles about beauty tips, trends, product recommendations, and industry insights. Optimize each blog post with relevant keywords to improve its visibility in search results. Schedule a demo today if you want to learn more about how we can help you with blog content.

Technical SEO

This part of SEO can be tricky, and where most salon owners we work with get stuck. Many technical activities need to be done on the backend of your website that require a level of knowledge and skills to implement. 

Technical SEO Examples::

  • Website Speed
  • Mobile-friendly Design
  • Image Optimization
  • Crawlability and Indexing
  • Site Map
  • Site Structure
  • Internal Linking
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Image Alt Text

Technical SEO activities need constant updates and improvements to stay up-to-date with Google’s changing algorithms and how people search for content. It is not a set-it-and-forget activity, so we do monthly reviews and checkups of our customers’ SEO to keep them ranking on page one.  


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Enter the URL of your website to get a report of how it performs in about 30 seconds.

Leveraging Social Media Channels for Discoverability

It should come as no surprise that social media has a major impact on marketing and SEO. You likely already have an account for at least one platform, like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. These channels offer excellent opportunities to increase visibility and engage with your audience and potential customers. Here are some tips for leveraging social media SEO effectively.

Instagram uses keywords in several ways to share your content:

Captions and bios: Keywords in your captions and bio help your content show up in relevant search results within Instagram. The Instagram search engine analyzes text like your bio, captions, and even usernames to understand the main themes of your content.

Hashtags: While hashtags play a smaller role in search nowadays, using relevant hashtags can still help connect your content with users browsing those specific hashtags.

Alt text: This feature, particularly helpful for accessibility, allows you to describe your images with keywords. The Instagram search engine can also use this information to understand your content.

2. Explore Page

Attracting the algorithm: The Explore page displays content that Instagram thinks is relevant to individuals based on their interactions, accounts they follow, and hashtags they use. Keywords you use in your content can influence the algorithm’s understanding of your niche and potentially land you on users’ Explore pages.

Trending topics: If your content uses keywords that match trending topics on Instagram, the algorithm might pick it up and share it with a wider audience.

3. Suggested Accounts and Content

Similar accounts: When someone follows accounts in your niche, Instagram might suggest your account to them based on the keywords you use in your content.

Suggested posts: Similarly, if someone interacts with content using similar keywords to yours, your post might be suggested to them in their feed.

Remember that quality content and engaging with your followers are more important than everything else. Don’t stuff your content with keywords; integrate them naturally and strategically.

Additionally, consistently using relevant keywords across your captions, bio, and hashtags can help improve your discoverability in the long run.


Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step towards harnessing the power of SEO for your beauty business. Understanding the fundamentals of SEO is imperative before you can embark on the journey of learning how to make SEO work for you. 

Remember to be patient as you prepare to improve your presence and attract more customers with our expert guidance. Salon SEO strategies take time to yield results, and trends often must be studied for months to be effectively implemented.

In the next article, we explore 8 Ways to Set Up Your Salon’s Website SEO! 

Tip: If you find implementing SEO strategies challenging or time-consuming, consider exploring Glammatic Websites. We offer user-friendly website templates specifically designed for beauty businesses, with built-in SEO features to help you boost your online presence effortlessly.

Glammatic is a beauty marketing software and service company. With our done-for-you solution, we help beauty professionals use marketing to attract and retain their ideal clients, increase bookings and revenue, and remove the stress of doing it themselves. To learn more about our products, visit

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